No internet

If you have problems accessing the Internet, we recommend the following:

*If you are in good cellular coverage, try restarting your device first
*Go to iPhone Settings - Mobile Data/Cellular data and make sure Data Roaming is enabled
*Go to iPhone Settings - Mobile Data/Cellular - Secondary/Tripocell - and make sure Network Selection is automatic.
*Go to iPhone Settings - Mobile Data/Cellular - Secondary/Tripocell - Turn off LTE mode, switch to 3G only

Note: Do not delete the Tripocell profile or rescan the QR code, as these actions may delete the preset settings.

Need help? Please contact our team. When sending your message, make sure to include as many necessary details as possible!

*The name of your country/region
*Describe the problem you are facing

Feel free to upload screenshots of your iPhone settings.

*Settings - Mobile data/Cellular - switch both calls and data services to Tripocell - send us a screenshot
*On this page under Cellular plans - Tap on Secondary/Tripocell plan - send us a screenshot
*Then switch to Cellular/Mobile data network - send us a screenshot

This will help you identify the problem and find a solution in no time.

Still need help?

Please contact our customer service

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